Search Update (July 2, 2024)
The Search Committee, Vestry and I are pleased to announce that our next Rector has answered our call.
After many meaningful conversations and prayers, the Reverend Miranda Cully will be the next Rector
of the Church of the Redeemer and will join us on September 3, 2024.
Reverend Cully joins us from her most recent post as Head Chaplain at St. Mary’s Episcopal School in Memphis, Tennessee. She previously served on lay staff at St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral and as Associate Rector at St. John’s Episcopal Church, both in Memphis.
During the search and discernment process, our Search Committee and Rev. Cully found that she and Redeemer share a common set of ministry goals, including what she described as goals of "deepening Redeemer’s involvement with the world around us, nurturing our members, and inspiring new members to discover our parish.” You will come to learn that Rev. Miranda’s infectious enthusiasm and genuine curiosity will not only inspire us but lead our church into a future that she hopes “makes visible our Christian service and love.”

our completed Parish Profile is found down below the committee pictures.
Redeemer thanks the search committee and its Co-Chairs, Anthony Garcia & Todd Puntney for their excellent work and loving dedication to our successful 2023-24 Rector Search.
Holy Cow Power Point Presentation
Parish Profile 2024
Our prayer for a new Rector
O God, who has blessed and sustained us through the years: we ask that you continue to lead us, stretch us, and direct us in our search for a new rector. Raise for us, we pray, a priest and pastor who will boldly proclaim your Gospel, faithfully administer your sacraments, and serve your people with love and compassion, that we may continue to grow in the likeness of Christ and be a beacon of love and hope to our community and the world. To the glory of your Holy Name. Amen.
Who we are, who we seek
At our core, the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer is an affirming, inclusive, and loving community of faithful people committed to serving Christ and making Him known. We welcome all people, as unique creations of God, to fully participate at all levels in our common life and worship.
With more than 350 active members and an average Sunday attendance of more than 100 worshippers, our vibrant and multi-generational parish is diverse, active, and eager to serve. Through multiple ministries, programs, and events, we believe that serving one an other and the wider community is an essential way to express God’s love in action. We also yearn to do more. While a stable church with mature pro grams, a balanced budget, and high levels of parishioner satisfaction, the top three priorities from our recent parish-wide survey highlight our desire to connect.
Top 3 priorities
based on parish-wide survey
• Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to reach new people and incorporate them into the life of the church.
• Make necessary changes to attract families with children and youth to our church.
• Develop ministries that work toward healing those broken by life circumstances.
The Spirit is in motion around us, beckoning us to be in motion also.
And so we look for a new rector who will:
Inspire and connect people to God’s Word.
Guide us in shaping our vision and lead us toward its realization.
Engage people empathetically and care for them in times of need.
“Try it; you might like it! Harmonious. All ages.
Inclusive. Variety. Comfortable size. Guided by
scripture, tradition, and reason our mission is
to share the Creator’s Love with all, respecting
the uniqueness of each one. Come and see!”
“I love Redeemer because we are open and loving.
It has been our church family for over 40 years.”
“I am a cradle Episcopalian and Redeemer has
become a warm and comfortable home for me.
I look forward to time spent worshiping and
doing God’s work with fellow Redeemerites in
the presence.” Help us fulfill our commitment
to being the church God has called us to be.
"The first time I entered this church, I felt joy and peace.
The community was fantastic and welcoming. I finally
found home."
“Church of the Redeemer has been my
church home for a long time. Redeemer’s
family is resilient, caring, fun, and recognizes
that we are not all at the same spot in our
faith journeys…and that is fine. We honor the
importance of the liturgy and tradition in the
worship service, it is okay to have some levity
coming from the sanctuary, and our music
consists of traditional as well as much loved
praise music. I guess you could say we are a
more laid back traditional Episcopal church
"I was Catholic. I visited all the area churches and
never felt welcome or noticed. I knew from the
moment I walked in to Redeemer that I had found my
church home! So welcoming!”
“Have we got a deal for you! Come, come as you are.
Just come!”
“We are active members of Church of the Redeemer
because of the people who consistently and sincerely
welcome all into the community. Individual
conversations, prayer groups, and adult formation
sessions reinvigorated my faith and help me grow
that part of my life. I'm truly grateful.”
“We came to Redeemer the summer of 2014. The first
Sunday we arrived we were taken out to lunch by two
couples to welcome us. Another lady took our picture to
put the parish book. Talk about a welcome! We enjoy the
potlucks and adult classes. The outreach to others is so special.”
“The best thing about Redeemer for me
is that I feel valued and im portant. It is
not just a church but a family where we
support and love each other.”
“Redeemer is not only our church, but our
family. Our children live out of state and we
only get to be with them two or three times a
year. We love how they greet us with open arms
and share the Lord and their lives!”
“Redeemer has been our church home for over 30
years. I have seen many changes, both good and
bad. No matter what, the core of the church remains
real and loving. The church has never been afraid of
change and the people work together to make sure each
person is valued. Teaching has al ways been part of the
church too with many different leaders, both clergy and lay people.”
Anthony Garcia
Todd Puntney
